Sunday 23 October 2016

Memorial of the lost love!!

She was awesome, pretty chick with some impressive curves, even my cold stare was enough to turn her ON; she's Samsung Note7. 

As a hardcore android fan and tech enthusiast, I am still in love with my lost love, infamously most amazing (most amazingly infamous) hottie Swanchick Naughty7. I was confused when Samsung announced her recall over blow up concerns, whether to go with exchange or get the full refund??. The exchange offer wasn't so welcoming; why should I exchange this awesome flagship with something inferior?. My choice was encashing the refund scheme. Should I be happy or in tears?

It's heard some vendors ask to return the 'free cheese' 128 GB memory card and all accessories while returning phones. Since I had had a replacement piece I was asked to return the phone and keep accessories and memory card with me as the memorial of the lost love. But if your vendor is stubborn, demanding the return of every bit and piece, make sure you have damaged the memory card, as required. :) 


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