Saturday 29 October 2016

Things an ambitious professional should never do!

There are a lot of differences between a successful professional and an average one. In both business and personal lives, success is the result of sticking on to some good habits and breaking free from some other.

Big NO to multitasking

Though multitasking is often considered a common method to increase productivity, the reality is multitasking is as hard as two-timing, not everyone is good at both.

Time and time again, numerous studies have confirmed that multitasking isn't any good for us. It not only can kill our productivity but also makes it harder to focus on work. Focusing on a task at a time will help us to get more done with fewer mistakes, and improve our concentration on the long run.

Perfectionism; our worst enemy

Perfectionists believe that good is never enough. They have a hard time starting things and an even harder time finishing them. As far I understood, perfectionism only exists in the minds of people. A good professional should not complicate things by obsessing over every last detail, but they strive to come up with workable solutions. If they fail, they learn from it and move on.

Don't always say YES

When we are faced with a request, before saying yes we should make sure we don't compromise our own priorities. This doesn't only apply to work but also to our personal and social commitments. Successful professionals never let work take over their personal lives. Remember, saying 'no' without feeling guilty is an art.


Last day, while digging my Gmail sent items, I found a decade old CV of mine. Perfectionist, Hard working, Multitasker, it has all bulls***s to describe me. Our school day CVs haven't got much that define our present-day versions, but they help us realise how far we moved forward.


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